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our mission

Our commitment at Calvary Bible Church is to preach, teach, and live out God’s Word in ways that give God the most glory and are relevant to the times we live in. Our mission is clear and is the metric we measure our decisions.

Knowing Christ better

At Calvary, we seek to know Christ better through intentionally studying His Word (Matthew 7:21-23), examining it verse-by-verse together each Sunday morning and at every small group, asking "What did our time reveal to us about Christ?"

going To His opportunities

We endeavor to be a mission driven church for Jesus. Our small groups and ministry teams are challenged each month to identify Christ's opportunities for them, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus (Rev. 3:8). How do we identify such opportunity? We pray expectantly for each opportunity, serve passionately in our areas of life influence, and watch for God's Spirit to open doors of ministry beyond our church walls.

connecting each to his church

We desire to connect the world to the church by inviting any who will come to hear about Christ, and connect everyone into our small group ministry to serve Him through numerous opportunities throughout the church.

Lay aside your preconceived notions of church, your hangups and past church experiences, because Christ has called us to be the place for His transformation power to change people and give them purpose in His Divine plan.

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